«انسان خیلی دوست دارد از خر شیطان پیاده شود ولی خر شیطان انسان را پیاده نمی کند»
بلادونا فصیح زاده
بعضی وقتا جریان زندگی یه جورایی خیلی هیجان انگیز میشه شاید چون داره به یه پرتگاه نزدیک میشه! اشتیاق دیدن و تجربه کردن چیزای پر رمز و راز٬ شوق خوردن میوه ممنوعه و الی آخر...
حتما یه باید ها و نباید هایی واسه پیشگیری و درمان هست که من نمی دونم؛ بعضیا میگن تشخیص خیر و شر همچینم کار سختی نیست٬ واسه بعضیام مرزبندی بین خیر و شر خیلی سخت میشه٬ ولی بعضی وقت ها شاید نباید خیلی به این جریان جو بدیم و منتظر بمونیم یعنی صبر کنیم تا آروم آروم این راه پر تلاطم طی بشه یعنی کمتر دست و پا بزنیم و یه ذره خونسرد باشیم همون که میگن بی خیاااااال! شایدم بر عکس!!
بر گرفته از خزعبلات یک انسان مخ هنگ کرده :|
سلام خوابگاه نشین نابغه![](http://www.blogsky.com/images/smileys/017.gif)
خوبی؟ چه وبی چه وبسایتی عجب ....
خاطراتت قشنگه و اینجا رو کردی مثل دفتر خاطراتت
منم مثل تو یه وب درست کردم و منتظر ارشدم ببینم میرم تا وب رو ادامه بدم.
بهم گفتن با رتبه ای که آوردم بیرجند قبول میشم به همین خاطر وبم در مورد بیرجنده
سلام دوست عزیز
آره اینجا یه دفتر خاطراته که مه ۵ نفر توش می نویسیم
موفق باشین
There's a reason for the sunshinin' sky
And there's a reason why I'm feelin so high
Must be the season when that love light shines
All around us.
So let that feelin grab you deep inside
And send you reelin where your love can't hide
And then go stealin' through the moonlit nights
With your lover.
Just let your love flow like a mountain stream
And let your love grow with the smallest of dreams
And let your love show and you'll know what I mean
It's the season.
Letyour love fly like a bird on wing
And let your love bind you to all livin things
And let your love shine and you'll know what I mean
That's the reason.
There's a reason for the warm sweet nights
And there's a reason for the candlelights
Must be the season when those love lights shine
All around us.
So let that wonder take into space
And lay you under its loving embrace
Just feel the thunder as it warms your face
You can't hold back.
Just let your love flow like a mountain stream
And let your love grow with the smallest of dreams
And let your love show and you'll know what I mean
It's the season.
Let your love fly like a bird on wing
And let your love bind you to all livin things
And let your love shine and you'll know what I mean
That's the reason...
hi the other me![](http://www.blogsky.com/images/smileys/017.gif)
Your poem was really nice- i love it
and if you let me i am going to fall in love with that genetic student! i don't have other way because you can not resolve this problem!you know!
منم خیلی موافق مرز بندی بین خیر و شر نیستم بنظرم باس خیلی از موارد از طریق تجربه برای آدم، خیر و شر بودنش به اثبات برسه
راجع به این پست میشه زیاد حرف زد
چه جدی
و چه طنز
ولی خب اجبارن سانسور میکنم تا مثه پست قبلی مهر عدم تایید نخوره به گوشه ی کامنتم .
این حرفت جالبه که باید خیر وشر رو تجربه کرد که واسه آدم ثابت بشه![](http://www.blogsky.com/images/smileys/003.gif)
ممنون میشم اگه نظرت رو سانسور نکنی و خوشحال می شم که حرفاتو بخونم
والله یه زمانی خیلی استرس و با خیال بودم ولی از وقتی با استادم ژایانامه برداشتم ااااا از بس ایشون ریلللللللللللللکس بودن که رو منم اثر گذاشته و دژفکر کنم دیگه از اون ور بوم افتادم
حرفهای استاد بسیار ریلکسم:
"ریلکس باش..
برو پاهاتو بنداز رو هم و دراز بکش همه چیز درست میشه
ریلللکس س باش ؛ نگران نباش"
آقای قیچی دیگه شما که عمریه با افراد این وبلاگ آشنایی نباید اگه دیر کامنت تو دیر تایید کردم ناراحت شی بابا من اینطوریم دیگه همه هم منو میشناسن
بابا من از شیرازی های بسیار دوست داشتنی یه پله اون ور ترم
واقعا این استاد ریلکست خیلی باحاله ولی حیف که اصلا نیست تا از محضرشون استفاده کنیم می دونی![](http://www.blogsky.com/images/smileys/017.gif)
حرفشم که خییلی با حاله
قیچییییی جووووون بگوووو بلهههههه
یه قانونی نانوشته تو طبیعت هست که میگه هر عملی عکس العلی داره پس وقتی نیرویی برای پیشرفت کارهات اعمال میکنی نیرویی بر عکس برای جلوگیری از اون در جهت حفظ تعادل اعمال میشه .
گاهی هم اگر هیچ عملی انجام نشه خیلی هم به نفع هست پس بی خیال بودن هم یه کار مثبت و استراتژیک محسوب میشه .
الهی قویبون این نتیجه گیری منطقیت برم واقعا از این منظر به این قضیه نگاه نکرده بودم
Ok.you can love whoever you want but just to let you know : genetic students are not loyal and caring :-)
Why don't you fall in love with people more close to you.
Just open your eyes wide enough to see them waiting for you to let them express their love for u :-)
thank you for your advice
or this
to discover my loverssss! what s your idea?!
ok i hate genetic student now and this is my plan for tomorrow: i open my eyes mor than enough like this
Well...you don't need to bother your eyes opening them this much wide to see them.
They're just right under your nose but if you can see them or you want to see them.
They're just waiting for a green-light so they could devote their lives for you.
Don't you believe me?!
Just give it a shot ...
They die to be with you
oh my God! may you introduce them to me?
no....I don't reveal people's secrets....
I just felt that there must be some gravitation.
ok it is honor of me that my freinds are so reliable and dont reveal others secret
بگردم الهی
من از جوابی که برکه داد حدس زدم که کامنتم نرسیده...اتفاقن اوون پستت خیلی هم باحال بوود و منم یه کامنتی گذاشتم که حجمش بیشتر از پستت بوود.من اونجا 12 تا فک کنم حدس مختلفم رو از دیالوگ شما نوشتم با دست مایه طنز. خب دیگه گذشته بی خیال. البته من به طرز احمقانه ای حافظه ی قوی دارم و الان اگه بشینم فک کنم همش یادم میاد ولی می دونم که توقع نداری از آدمی که 10 دقیقه ی پیش از خواب بیدار شده و 10 دقیقه ی بعد قراره دوباره بخوابه، اونقدر به کلش فشار بیاره. خلاصه که بقول ممدوسین اینجوریاست جَوون.
آقا موفق باشین ... مخلصیم زیاد.
مرسی قیچی جون خوشحالم که رفع سو تفاهم شد. خدا دلخوشی های هیشکیو ازش نگیره
جالب بود .واقعا گاهی مرز بندی بین خیر و شر سخته.1اتفاقایی یا 1 کارایی و آدم نمیتونه توی زمان خاصی بفهمه خوبه یا بد!!!شاید این جور موقعها بهتر باشه چشممون و ببندیم با دل جلو بریم..همیشه تنها به حرف دل گوش دادن واسم سخت بوده...خیر و شر بعضی کارا فقط توی آینده مشخص میشه.پس بیخیال چون منم هنگ کردم...
یاسی جون واسه منم سخته به حرف دل گوش دادن چون...هییییی آخر عاقبت نداره گاهی وقتا دیدت محدود میشه به چیزای دم دستی و نمی تونی همه ی ابعاد رو لحاظ کنی و در نهایت تصمیم درستی بگیری. شاید بعضی وقتا بهتره صبر کنیم و بذاریم این طوفان آرومتر بشه
I was born on Mehr which means my Zodiac is Libra which means the balance.
As it implies I should always consider all the aspects of something , consulting both heart and mind and then make a decision.
But to let you know:
There are many times that I have ignored my mind and just made decisions based on what my heart said. And Now I'm very happy that I did so.
Mind is not always necessarily right.
Sometimes mind is not aware of what is going on in your heart.
My heart never lies to me but mind does.
so intresting that you sometime make desition base on heart. i dont know but i am really logical and i dont interfere my emotions in my decisions. it is the way of my life. it was until now and maybe some time i think about this way and ask myself that it is true or not? yes there were some big decisions base on my heart and feelings in my life but i was regretted majority
thank you for nice comment
How to Make Your Heart and Your Mind Work Together:
The same voice in your mind that told you to act, is the same voice that ridicules you later for making that choice.
Am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?
I want to show you how I’ve learned to make my heart and mind get along.
Because unfortunately…
It’s typical in our society to feel a conflict between what we want to do (our heart) and what we feel is practical (our mind).
We end up living 1/3 of our lives in a cubicle for the “benefits.” We stay friends with people we only kind of like. We do and say things to fit in and seem cool that really go against what we feel is right in our hearts.
Because it’s caused so much heartache in my life, I’ve spend a lot of time trying to diagnose the source of this problem.
Is my heart at fault? Are my feelings just silly and frivolous? Or maybe it’s my mind that’s to blame. It seems like it’s always coming up with conflicting messages anyway.
And on it goes and we never really seem to get to it. There’s a lot of social conditioning that covers up and obscures things too. Even if you really feel like that’s the right choice, how do you know for sure? How do you know it’s not just what you think you should do?
All of this might sound a little over the top, but it’s a real problem. It ruins lives because people can’t make up their minds about whether or not the path of their heart is valid or not. They end up living a shadow of the possibility that they could. All because they couldn’t make up their mind.
There’s a simple answer to this problem. It might seem even a little too simple. But most things are. Bruce Lee once said “The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.” I believe this.
First… let’s take a look at where this problem starts...
Confusing the purpose of the heart and mind.....
The main reason we suffer from this illness of indecision, is that we’ve mistaken the purpose of heart and mind. The heart is like a compass, it’s purpose is to guide the direction our lives should take. Our heart takes a birds eye view on our life and says “this is where you’re at and this is the direction you need to go.”
Our mind on the other hand isn’t made for making purpose driven decisions. The nature of the mind is that it conceptualizes, organizes and compares information. It does this as best it can and says “here are the facts, here’s both sides of the story.”
If we compare our mind and heart to a courtroom, our mind would be the defendant and the plaintiff (both stories) and our heart would be justice or the judge (the right direction).
The reason we’re so troubled by this conflict of head vs heart is that the mind is not only playing the prosecutor and the defense, but has take over the role of the judge as well.
The mind should never be the judge. The minds job is to compare and contrast. To sort things out and say “this is what I’ve got, do what you want with it.”
But more often than not, our mind isn’t doing that. Our mind is making our choices. What’s worse, is even when we don’t need our mind to be at work, it’s still going. Comparing and contrasting everything. Brooding, mostly.
Have you ever noticed that even when it’s completely unnecessary to think about anything, your mind is still going? Have noticed that when this is happening, your mind is getting in the way of your experience? Just a few examples of this that come to mind for me are; sex, watching a sunset, or taking a shower. My mind really doesn’t need to be thinking while doing these things. There’s no point. At all.
...Taming the mind
Before we can get the mind to take a break when we don’t need to be incessantly thinking, we have to make friends with it first. If we try to tell our mind to go away, or that we don’t need it, we’ll just encourage it all the more. Instead of a retreat we’ll get a resurgence. We don’t want that.
So if we want to end the conflict of head and heart, we’ve got to figure out a way to marry this disparate pair.
Remember when I told you the answer to this problem is simple? Well, it is. But it won’t be easy at first, because we’ve been doing it all wrong for so long.
What we have to do is only use our mind to go with ourselves. The Latin root for sin means “to go against.” So we have to learn to be without sin.
We have to learn to constantly realigning our decisions to be “with ourselves.”
Have you ever wondered how to tell whether a decision is right? It seems so difficult, doesn’t it? But it becomes so easy when you think “Is this choice going with me, or against me?” You’ll find that the right choice is immediately evident.
If you can learn to practice this every time you make a choice, you’ll start to regain your personal power.
You’ll create a marriage of your heart and mind. Maybe then their child (you) won’t have permanent emotional damage from the divorce it’s been suffering from for so long.
Make the choice today. Just try it out. I think you’ll like it.
it is me when i saw this comment:
and after reading it i hong!! again. you know this ways as you wrote is quite the opposite of what i have belived till now. your ideas are interesting and new for me while i havnt got some of them!ok!good topic!we can speak about it in our next class
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